Package org.apache.calcite.sql.dialect
package org.apache.calcite.sql.dialect
SQL unparsers for JDBC dialects.
implementation for the Access database.ASqlDialect
implementation for an unknown ANSI compatible database.ASqlDialect
implementation for Google BigQuery's "Standard SQL" dialect.ASqlDialect
implementation that produces SQL that can be parsed by Apache Calcite.ASqlDialect
implementation for the ClickHouse database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the IBM DB2 database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Apache Derby database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Exasol database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Firebird database.A SqlDialect implementation for the Firebolt database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the H2 database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Apache Hive database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Hsqldb database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Infobright database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Informix database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Ingres database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Interbase database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the JethroData database.Information about the capabilities of a Jethro database.Stores information about capabilities of Jethro databases.ASqlDialect
implementation for the LucidDB database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Microsoft SQL Server database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the MySQL database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Neoview database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Netezza database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Oracle database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Paraccel database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Apache Phoenix database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the PostgreSQL database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Presto database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Redshift database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Snowflake database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the APACHE SPARK database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the StarRocks database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Sybase database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Teradata database.ASqlDialect
implementation for the Vertica database.