Package org.apache.calcite.util.graph
package org.apache.calcite.util.graph
Graph-theoretic algorithms and data structures.
E extends DefaultEdge> Directed graph where edges have attributes and allows multiple edges between any two vertices provided that their attributes are different.Factory for edges that have attributes.BreadthFirstIterator<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Iterates over the vertices in a directed graph in breadth-first order.CycleDetector<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Detects cycles in directed graphs.DefaultDirectedGraph<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Default implementation ofDirectedGraph
.Default implementation of Edge.DepthFirstIterator<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Iterates over the vertices in a directed graph in depth-first order.DirectedGraph<V,E> Directed graph.Factory for edges.Miscellaneous graph utilities.Graphs.FrozenGraph<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Immutable grap.TopologicalOrderIterator<V,E extends DefaultEdge> Iterates over the edges of a graph in topological order.