The Apache Calcite PMC is pleased to announce Apache Calcite release 1.37.0.

This release comes 5 months after 1.36.0, contains contributions from 46 contributors, and resolves 138 issues. It’s worth highlighting the introduction of adapter for Apache Arrow ([CALCITE-2040]), StarRocks dialect ([CALCITE-6257]). The release also added support for lambda expressions in SQL ([CALCITE-3679]), ‘Must-filter’ columns ([CALCITE-6219]). For table function calls it is now possible to use them without TABLE() wrapper in FROM ([CALCITE-6254]). Furthermore, there is support for optional FORMAT of CAST operator from SQL:2016 ([CALCITE-6254]) and more than 15 new SQL functions in various libraries such as BigQuery, PostgreSQL and Spark.

See the release notes; download the release.