Interface WinAggResultContext

All Superinterfaces:
AggResetContext, AggResultContext, NestedBlockBuilder, WinAggFrameContext, WinAggFrameResultContext
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
WinAggAddContextImpl, WinAggResultContextImpl

public interface WinAggResultContext extends AggResultContext, WinAggFrameResultContext
Information for a call to AggImplementor.implementResult(AggContext, AggResultContext).

Typically, the aggregation implementation will convert AggResetContext.accumulator() to the resulting value of the aggregation. The implementation MUST NOT destroy the contents of AggResetContext.accumulator().

  • Method Details

    • rexArguments

      List<RexNode> rexArguments()
      Returns RexNode representation of arguments. This can be useful for manual translation of required arguments with different NullPolicy.
      RexNode representation of arguments
    • arguments

      List<Expression> arguments(Expression rowIndex)
      Returns Linq4j form of arguments. The resulting value is equivalent to rowTranslator().translateList(rexArguments()). This is handy if you need just operate on argument.
      rowIndex - index of the requested row. The index must be in range of partition's startIndex and endIndex.
      Linq4j form of arguments of the particular row