Class RexNode

Direct Known Subclasses:
RexCall, RexFieldAccess, RexLambda, RexLiteral, RexRangeRef, RexVariable

public abstract class RexNode extends Object
Row expression.

Every row-expression has a type. (Compare with SqlNode, which is created before validation, and therefore types may not be available.)

Some common row-expressions are: RexLiteral (constant value), RexVariable (variable), RexCall (call to operator with operands). Expressions are generally created using a RexBuilder factory.

All sub-classes of RexNode are immutable.

  • Field Details

    • digest

      protected @MonotonicNonNull String digest
  • Constructor Details

    • RexNode

      public RexNode()
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public abstract RelDataType getType()
    • isAlwaysTrue

      public boolean isAlwaysTrue()
      Returns whether this expression always returns true. (Such as if this expression is equal to the literal TRUE.)
    • isAlwaysFalse

      public boolean isAlwaysFalse()
      Returns whether this expression always returns false. (Such as if this expression is equal to the literal FALSE.)
    • isA

      public boolean isA(SqlKind kind)
    • isA

      public boolean isA(Collection<SqlKind> kinds)
    • getKind

      public SqlKind getKind()
      Returns the kind of node this is.
      Node kind, never null
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • nodeCount

      public int nodeCount()
      Returns the number of nodes in this expression.

      Leaf nodes, such as RexInputRef or RexLiteral, have a count of 1. Calls have a count of 1 plus the sum of their operands.

      Node count is a measure of expression complexity that is used by some planner rules to prevent deeply nested expressions.

    • accept

      public abstract <R> R accept(RexVisitor<R> visitor)
      Accepts a visitor, dispatching to the right overloaded visitXxx method.

      Also see RexUtil.apply(RexVisitor, java.util.List, RexNode), which applies a visitor to several expressions simultaneously.

    • accept

      public abstract <R, P> R accept(RexBiVisitor<R,P> visitor, P arg)
      Accepts a visitor with a payload, dispatching to the right overloaded RexBiVisitor.visitInputRef(RexInputRef, Object) visitXxx} method.
    • equals

      public abstract boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)

      Every node must implement equals(java.lang.Object) based on its content

      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public abstract int hashCode()

      Every node must implement hashCode() consistent with equals(java.lang.Object)

      hashCode in class Object