Class Window.Group

Enclosing class:

public static class Window.Group extends Object
Group of windowed aggregate calls that have the same window specification.

The specification is defined by an upper and lower bound, and also has zero or more partitioning columns.

A window is either logical or physical. A physical window is measured in terms of row count. A logical window is measured in terms of rows within a certain distance from the current sort key.

For example:

  • ROWS BETWEEN 10 PRECEDING and 5 FOLLOWING is a physical window with an upper and lower bound;
  • RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '1' HOUR PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is a logical window with only a lower bound;
  • RANGE INTERVAL '10' MINUTES PRECEDING (which is equivalent to RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL '10' MINUTES PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) is a logical window with an upper and lower bound.