Class MaterializedViewRule<C extends MaterializedViewRule.Config>
- Type Parameters:
- Configuration type
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic interface
Rule configuration.protected static class
Edge for graph.protected static class
Class representing an equivalence class, i.e., a set of equivalent columnsprotected static enum
Complete, view partial, or query partial.protected static class
Expression lineage details.protected static class
View partitioning result.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.calcite.plan.RelRule
RelRule.Done, RelRule.MatchHandler<R extends RelOptRule>, RelRule.OperandBuilder, RelRule.OperandDetailBuilder<R extends RelNode>, RelRule.OperandTransform
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule
description, operands, relBuilderFactory
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
(Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> sourceTableRefs, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> targetTableRefs, @Nullable<RexTableInputRef, RexTableInputRef> compensationEquiColumns) It checks whether the target can be rewritten using the source even though the source uses additional tables.protected abstract @Nullable MaterializedViewRule.ViewPartialRewriting
(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode input, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> queryTableRefs, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC, @Nullable Project topViewProject, RelNode viewNode, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> viewTableRefs) It checks whether the query can be rewritten using the view even though the query uses additional tables.computeCompensationPredicates
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, Pair<RexNode, RexNode> sourcePreds, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses targetEC, Pair<RexNode, RexNode> targetPreds,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> sourceToTargetTableMapping) We check whether the predicates in the source are contained in the predicates in the target.protected abstract @Nullable RelNode
(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, @Nullable RelNode topProject, RelNode unionInputQuery, RelNode unionInputView) If the view will be used in a union rewriting, this method is responsible for generating the union and any other operator needed on top of it, e.g., a Project operator.extractPossibleMapping
(List<Set<RexTableInputRef>> sourceEquivalenceClasses, List<Set<RexTableInputRef>> targetEquivalenceClasses) Given the source and target equivalence classes, it extracts the possible mappings from each source equivalence class to each target equivalence class.extractReferences
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelNode node) If the node is an Aggregate, it returns a list of references to the grouping columns.protected @Nullable RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses targetEC) Given the equi-column predicates of the source and the target and the computed equivalence classes, it extracts possible mappings between the equivalence classes.protected MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, List<RexNode> nodeExprs) It swaps the column references and then the table references of the input expressions using the equivalence classes and the table mapping.protected MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, List<RexNode> nodeExprs) It swaps the table references and then the column references of the input expressions using the table mapping and the equivalence classes.protected List<<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef,
RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef>> generateTableMappings
(<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> multiMapTables) It will flatten a multimap containing table references to table references, producing all possible combinations of mappings.protected abstract boolean
(@Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, RelMetadataQuery mq) protected boolean
(RelNode node, RelMetadataQuery mq) Returns whether a RelNode is a valid tree.boolean
(RelOptRuleCall call) Returns whether this rule could possibly match the given operands.protected void
(RelOptRuleCall call, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node) Rewriting logic is based on "Optimizing Queries Using Materialized Views: A Practical, Scalable Solution" by Goldstein and Larson.pushFilterToOriginalViewPlan
(RelBuilder builder, @Nullable RelNode topViewProject, RelNode viewNode, RexNode cond) Once we create a compensation predicate, this method is responsible for pushing the resulting filter through the view nodes.protected RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelNode node, MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage nodeLineage, RexNode exprToRewrite) Given the input expression, it will replace (sub)expressions when possible using the content of the mapping.protected @Nullable RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode targetNode, RelNode node, List<RexNode> nodeExprs,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, boolean swapTableColumn, RexNode exprToRewrite) First, the method takes the node expressionsnodeExprs
and swaps the table and column references using the table mapping and the equivalence classes.rewriteExpressions
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode targetNode, RelNode node, List<RexNode> nodeExprs,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, boolean swapTableColumn, List<RexNode> exprsToRewrite) First, the method takes the node expressionsnodeExprs
and swaps the table and column references using the table mapping and the equivalence classes.protected abstract @Nullable RelNode
(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, RelMetadataQuery mq, RexNode compensationColumnsEquiPred, RexNode otherCompensationPred, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> viewToQueryTableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses viewEC, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC) If the view will be used in a union rewriting, this method is responsible for rewriting the query branch of the union using the given compensation predicate.protected abstract @Nullable RelNode
(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, RelMetadataQuery mq, MaterializedViewRule.MatchModality matchModality, boolean unionRewriting, RelNode input, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, @Nullable Project topViewProject, RelNode viewNode,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> queryToViewTableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC) Rewrites the query using the given view query.protected @Nullable RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode expr,<RexNode, Integer> exprsLineage) Replaces all the possible sub-expressions by input references to the input node.protected @Nullable RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode expr,<RexNode, Integer> exprsLineage, @Nullable RelNode node, @Nullable<Integer, Integer> rewritingMapping) Replaces all the possible sub-expressions by input references to the input node.protected @Nullable RexNode
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node, Mapping mapping) Replaces all the input references by the position in the input column set.splitPredicates
(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode pred) Classifies each of the predicates in the list into one of these two categories: 1-l) column equality predicates, or 2-r) residual predicates, all the restMethods inherited from class org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule
any, convert, convert, convert, convert, convertList, convertOperand, convertOperand, equals, equals, getOperand, getOperands, getOutConvention, getOutTrait, hashCode, none, onMatch, operand, operand, operand, operand, operand, operandJ, operandJ, some, toString, unordered
Method Details
Description copied from class:RelOptRule
Returns whether this rule could possibly match the given operands.This method is an opportunity to apply side-conditions to a rule. The
calls this method after matching all operands of the rule, and before callingRelOptRule.onMatch(RelOptRuleCall)
.In implementations of
which may queue up a matchedRelOptRuleCall
for a long time before callingRelOptRule.onMatch(RelOptRuleCall)
, this method is beneficial because it allows the planner to discard rules earlier in the process.The default implementation of this method returns
. It is acceptable for any implementation of this method to give a false positives, that is, to say that the rule matches the operands but haveRelOptRule.onMatch(RelOptRuleCall)
subsequently not generate any successors.The following script is useful to identify rules which commonly produce no successors. You should override this method for these rules:
awk ' /Apply rule/ {rule=$4; ruleCount[rule]++;} /generated 0 successors/ {ruleMiss[rule]++;} END { printf "%-30s %s %s\n", "Rule", "Fire", "Miss"; for (i in ruleCount) { printf "%-30s %5d %5d\n", i, ruleCount[i], ruleMiss[i]; } } ' FarragoTrace.log
- Overrides:
in classRelOptRule
- Parameters:
- Rule call which has been determined to match all operands of this rule- Returns:
- whether this RelOptRule matches a given RelOptRuleCall
Rewriting logic is based on "Optimizing Queries Using Materialized Views: A Practical, Scalable Solution" by Goldstein and Larson.On the query side, rules matches a Project-node chain or node, where node is either an Aggregate or a Join. Subplan rooted at the node operator must be composed of one or more of the following operators: TableScan, Project, Filter, and Join.
For each join MV, we need to check the following:
- The plan rooted at the Join operator in the view produces all rows needed by the plan rooted at the Join operator in the query.
- All columns required by compensating predicates, i.e., predicates that need to be enforced over the view, are available at the view output.
- All output expressions can be computed from the output of the view.
- All output rows occur with the correct duplication factor. We might rely on existing Unique-Key - Foreign-Key relationships to extract that information.
In turn, for each aggregate MV, we need to check the following:
- The plan rooted at the Aggregate operator in the view produces all rows needed by the plan rooted at the Aggregate operator in the query.
- All columns required by compensating predicates, i.e., predicates that need to be enforced over the view, are available at the view output.
- The grouping columns in the query are a subset of the grouping columns in the view.
- All columns required to perform further grouping are available in the view output.
- All columns required to compute output expressions are available in the view output.
The rule contains multiple extensions compared to the original paper. One of them is the possibility of creating rewritings using Union operators, e.g., if the result of a query is partially contained in the materialized view.
protected abstract boolean isValidPlan(@Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, RelMetadataQuery mq) -
protected abstract @Nullable MaterializedViewRule.ViewPartialRewriting compensateViewPartial(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode input, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> queryTableRefs, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC, @Nullable Project topViewProject, RelNode viewNode, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> viewTableRefs) It checks whether the query can be rewritten using the view even though the query uses additional tables.Rules implementing the method should follow different approaches depending on the operators they rewrite.
- Returns:
- ViewPartialRewriting, or null if the rewrite can't be done
protected abstract @Nullable RelNode rewriteQuery(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, RelMetadataQuery mq, RexNode compensationColumnsEquiPred, RexNode otherCompensationPred, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> viewToQueryTableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses viewEC, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC) If the view will be used in a union rewriting, this method is responsible for rewriting the query branch of the union using the given compensation predicate.If a rewriting can be produced, we return that rewriting. If it cannot be produced, we will return null.
protected abstract @Nullable RelNode createUnion(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, @Nullable RelNode topProject, RelNode unionInputQuery, RelNode unionInputView) If the view will be used in a union rewriting, this method is responsible for generating the union and any other operator needed on top of it, e.g., a Project operator. -
protected abstract @Nullable RelNode rewriteView(RelBuilder relBuilder, RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, RelMetadataQuery mq, MaterializedViewRule.MatchModality matchModality, boolean unionRewriting, RelNode input, @Nullable Project topProject, RelNode node, @Nullable Project topViewProject, RelNode viewNode,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> queryToViewTableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses queryEC) Rewrites the query using the given view query.The input node is a Scan on the view table and possibly a compensation Filter on top. If a rewriting can be produced, we return that rewriting. If it cannot be produced, we will return null.
protected abstract Pair<@Nullable RelNode,RelNode> pushFilterToOriginalViewPlan(RelBuilder builder, @Nullable RelNode topViewProject, RelNode viewNode, RexNode cond) Once we create a compensation predicate, this method is responsible for pushing the resulting filter through the view nodes. This might be useful for rewritings containing Aggregate operators, as some of the grouping columns might be removed, which results in additional matching possibilities.The method will return a pair of nodes: the new top project on the left and the new node on the right.
If the node is an Aggregate, it returns a list of references to the grouping columns. Otherwise, it returns a list of references to all columns in the node. The returned list is immutable. -
protected List<<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef,RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef>> generateTableMappings(<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> multiMapTables) It will flatten a multimap containing table references to table references, producing all possible combinations of mappings. Each of the mappings will be bi-directional. -
Returns whether a RelNode is a valid tree. Currently we only support TableScan - Project - Filter - Inner Join. -
Classifies each of the predicates in the list into one of these two categories:- 1-l) column equality predicates, or
- 2-r) residual predicates, all the rest
For each category, it creates the conjunction of the predicates. The result is an pair of RexNode objects corresponding to each category.
protected boolean compensatePartial(Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> sourceTableRefs, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> targetTableRefs, @Nullable<RexTableInputRef, RexTableInputRef> compensationEquiColumns) It checks whether the target can be rewritten using the source even though the source uses additional tables. In order to do that, we need to double-check that every join that exists in the source and is not in the target is a cardinality-preserving join, i.e., it only appends columns to the row without changing its multiplicity. Thus, the join needs to be:- Equi-join
- Between all columns in the keys
- Foreign-key columns do not allow NULL values
- Foreign-key
- Unique-key
If it can be rewritten, it returns true. Further, it inserts the missing equi-join predicates in the input
multimap if it is provided. If it cannot be rewritten, it returns false. -
protected @Nullable Pair<RexNode,RexNode> computeCompensationPredicates(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexSimplify simplify, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, Pair<RexNode, RexNode> sourcePreds, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses targetEC, Pair<RexNode, RexNode> targetPreds,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> sourceToTargetTableMapping) We check whether the predicates in the source are contained in the predicates in the target. The method treats separately the equi-column predicates, the range predicates, and the rest of predicates.If the containment is confirmed, we produce compensation predicates that need to be added to the target to produce the results in the source. Thus, if source and target expressions are equivalent, those predicates will be the true constant.
In turn, if containment cannot be confirmed, the method returns null.
protected @Nullable RexNode generateEquivalenceClasses(RexBuilder rexBuilder, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses sourceEC, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses targetEC) Given the equi-column predicates of the source and the target and the computed equivalence classes, it extracts possible mappings between the equivalence classes.If there is no mapping, it returns null. If there is a exact match, it will return a compensation predicate that evaluates to true. Finally, if a compensation predicate needs to be enforced on top of the target to make the equivalences classes match, it returns that compensation predicate.
protected @Nullable<Integer,Integer> extractPossibleMapping(List<Set<RexTableInputRef>> sourceEquivalenceClasses, List<Set<RexTableInputRef>> targetEquivalenceClasses) Given the source and target equivalence classes, it extracts the possible mappings from each source equivalence class to each target equivalence class.If any of the source equivalence classes cannot be mapped to a target equivalence class, it returns null.
protected @Nullable RexNode rewriteExpression(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode targetNode, RelNode node, List<RexNode> nodeExprs,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, boolean swapTableColumn, RexNode exprToRewrite) First, the method takes the node expressionsnodeExprs
and swaps the table and column references using the table mapping and the equivalence classes. IfswapTableColumn
is true, it swaps the table reference and then the column reference, otherwise it swaps the column reference and then the table reference.Then, the method will rewrite the input expression
, replacing theRexTableInputRef
by references to the positions innodeExprs
.The method will return the rewritten expression. If any of the expressions in the input expression cannot be mapped, it will return null.
protected @Nullable List<RexNode> rewriteExpressions(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode targetNode, RelNode node, List<RexNode> nodeExprs,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, boolean swapTableColumn, List<RexNode> exprsToRewrite) First, the method takes the node expressionsnodeExprs
and swaps the table and column references using the table mapping and the equivalence classes. IfswapTableColumn
is true, it swaps the table reference and then the column reference, otherwise it swaps the column reference and then the table reference.Then, the method will rewrite the input expressions
, replacing theRexTableInputRef
by references to the positions innodeExprs
.The method will return the rewritten expressions. If any of the subexpressions in the input expressions cannot be mapped, it will return null.
protected MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage generateSwapTableColumnReferencesLineage(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, List<RexNode> nodeExprs) It swaps the table references and then the column references of the input expressions using the table mapping and the equivalence classes. -
protected MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage generateSwapColumnTableReferencesLineage(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelMetadataQuery mq, RelNode node,<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef, RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, MaterializedViewRule.EquivalenceClasses ec, List<RexNode> nodeExprs) It swaps the column references and then the table references of the input expressions using the equivalence classes and the table mapping. -
protected RexNode replaceWithOriginalReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelNode node, MaterializedViewRule.NodeLineage nodeLineage, RexNode exprToRewrite) Given the input expression, it will replace (sub)expressions when possible using the content of the mapping. In particular, the mapping contains the digest of the expression and the index that the replacement input ref should point to. -
Replaces all the input references by the position in the input column set. If a reference index cannot be found in the input set, then we return null. -
protected @Nullable RexNode shuttleReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode expr,<RexNode, Integer> exprsLineage) Replaces all the possible sub-expressions by input references to the input node. -
protected @Nullable RexNode shuttleReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode expr,<RexNode, Integer> exprsLineage, @Nullable RelNode node, @Nullable<Integer, Integer> rewritingMapping) Replaces all the possible sub-expressions by input references to the input node. If available, it uses the rewriting mapping to change the position to reference. Takes the reference type from the input node.