Class RexUtil


public class RexUtil extends Object
Utility methods concerning row-expressions.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getSelectivity

      public static double getSelectivity(@Nullable RexNode exp)
      Returns a guess for the selectivity of an expression.
      exp - expression of interest, or null for none (implying a selectivity of 1.0)
      guessed selectivity
    • generateCastExpressions

      public static List<RexNode> generateCastExpressions(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelDataType lhsRowType, RelDataType rhsRowType)
      Generates a cast from one row type to another.
      rexBuilder - RexBuilder to use for constructing casts
      lhsRowType - target row type
      rhsRowType - source row type; fields must be 1-to-1 with lhsRowType, in same order
      cast expressions
    • generateCastExpressions

      public static List<RexNode> generateCastExpressions(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RelDataType lhsRowType, List<RexNode> rhsExps)
      Generates a cast for a row type.
      rexBuilder - RexBuilder to use for constructing casts
      lhsRowType - target row type
      rhsExps - expressions to be cast
      cast expressions
    • isNullLiteral

      public static boolean isNullLiteral(RexNode node, boolean allowCast)
      Returns whether a node represents the NULL value.


      • For RexLiteral Unknown, returns false.
      • For CAST(NULL AS type), returns true if allowCast is true, false otherwise.
      • For CAST(CAST(NULL AS type) AS type)), returns false.
    • isNull

      public static boolean isNull(RexNode expr)
      Returns whether a node represents the NULL value or a series of nested CAST(NULL AS type) calls. For example: isNull(CAST(CAST(NULL as INTEGER) AS VARCHAR(1))) returns true.
    • isSymbolLiteral

      public static boolean isSymbolLiteral(RexNode expr)
      Returns whether a node represents a SqlTypeName.SYMBOL literal.
    • isLiteral

      public static boolean isLiteral(RexNode node, boolean allowCast)
      Returns whether a node represents a literal.


      • For CAST(literal AS type), returns true if allowCast is true, false otherwise.
      • For CAST(CAST(literal AS type) AS type)), returns false.
      node - The node, never null.
      allowCast - whether to regard CAST(literal) as a literal
      Whether the node is a literal
    • allLiterals

      public static boolean allLiterals(List<RexNode> expressionOperands)
      Returns whether every expression in a list is a literal.
      expressionOperands - list of expressions to check
      true if every expression from the specified list is literal.
    • isReferenceOrAccess

      public static boolean isReferenceOrAccess(RexNode node, boolean allowCast)
      Returns whether a node represents an input reference or field access.
      node - The node, never null.
      allowCast - whether to regard CAST(x) as true
      Whether the node is a reference or access
    • isNullabilityCast

      public static boolean isNullabilityCast(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RexNode node)
      Returns whether an expression is a cast just for the purposes of nullability, not changing any other aspect of the type.
    • removeNullabilityCast

      public static RexNode removeNullabilityCast(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RexNode node)
      Removes any casts that change nullability but not type.

      For example, CAST(1 = 0 AS BOOLEAN) becomes 1 = 0.

    • removeCast

      public static RexNode removeCast(RexNode e)
      Removes any casts.

      For example, CAST('1' AS INTEGER) becomes '1'.

    • predicateConstants

      public static <C extends RexNode><RexNode,C> predicateConstants(Class<C> clazz, RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> predicates)
      Creates a map containing each (e, constant) pair that occurs within a predicate list.
      Type Parameters:
      C - what to consider a constant: RexLiteral to use a narrow definition of constant, or RexNode to use isConstant(RexNode)
      clazz - Class of expression that is considered constant
      rexBuilder - Rex builder
      predicates - Predicate list
      Map from values to constants
    • nodeCount

      public static int nodeCount(List<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Returns the number of nodes (including leaves) in a list of expressions.
      See Also:
    • find

      public static RexUtil.RexFinder find(SqlKind kind)
      Returns a visitor that finds nodes of a given SqlKind.
    • find

      public static RexUtil.RexFinder find(Set<SqlKind> kinds)
      Returns a visitor that finds nodes of given SqlKinds.
    • find

      public static RexUtil.RexFinder find(RexInputRef ref)
      Returns a visitor that finds a particular RexInputRef.
    • expandSearch

      public static RexNode expandSearch(RexBuilder rexBuilder, @Nullable RexProgram program, RexNode node)
      Expands all the calls to SqlStdOperatorTable.SEARCH in an expression.
    • expandSearch

      public static RexNode expandSearch(RexBuilder rexBuilder, @Nullable RexProgram program, RexNode node, int maxComplexity)
      Expands calls to SqlStdOperatorTable.SEARCH whose complexity is greater than maxComplexity in an expression.
    • searchShuttle

      public static RexShuttle searchShuttle(RexBuilder rexBuilder, @Nullable RexProgram program, int maxComplexity)
      Creates a shuttle that expands calls to SqlStdOperatorTable.SEARCH.

      If maxComplexity is non-negative, a Sarg whose complexity is greater than maxComplexity is retained (not expanded); this gives a means to simplify simple expressions such as x IS NULL or x > 10 while keeping more complex expressions such as x IN (3, 5, 7) OR x IS NULL as a Sarg.

    • sargRef

      public static <C extends Comparable<C>> RexNode sargRef(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode ref, Sarg<C> sarg, RelDataType type, RexUnknownAs unknownAs)
    • simpleSarg

      public static <C extends Comparable<C>> RexNode simpleSarg(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode ref, Sarg<C> sarg, RexUnknownAs unknownAs)
      Expands an 'all' or 'none' sarg.
    • isConstant

      public static boolean isConstant(RexNode node)
      Returns whether node is made up of constants.
      node - Node to inspect
      true if node is made up of constants, false otherwise
    • isDeterministic

      public static boolean isDeterministic(RexNode e)
      Returns whether a given expression is deterministic.
      e - Expression
      true if tree result is deterministic, false otherwise
    • retainDeterministic

      public static List<RexNode> retainDeterministic(List<RexNode> list)
    • findOperatorCall

      public static @Nullable RexCall findOperatorCall(SqlOperator operator, RexNode node)
      Returns whether a given node contains a RexCall with a specified operator.
      operator - Operator to look for
      node - a RexNode tree
    • containsInputRef

      public static boolean containsInputRef(RexNode node)
      Returns whether a given tree contains any {link RexInputRef} nodes.
      node - a RexNode tree
    • containsFieldAccess

      public static boolean containsFieldAccess(RexNode node)
      Returns whether a given tree contains any RexFieldAccess nodes.
      node - a RexNode tree
    • requiresDecimalExpansion

      public static boolean requiresDecimalExpansion(RexNode expr, boolean recurse)
      Determines whether a RexCall requires decimal expansion. It usually requires expansion if it has decimal operands.

      Exceptions to this rule are:

      • isNull doesn't require expansion
      • It's okay to cast decimals to and from char types
      • It's okay to cast nulls as decimals
      • Casts require expansion if their return type is decimal
      • Reinterpret casts can handle a decimal operand
      expr - expression possibly in need of expansion
      recurse - whether to check nested calls
      whether the expression requires expansion
    • requiresDecimalExpansion

      public static boolean requiresDecimalExpansion(List<RexNode> operands, boolean recurse)
      Determines whether any operand of a set requires decimal expansion.
    • requiresDecimalExpansion

      public static boolean requiresDecimalExpansion(RexProgram program, boolean recurse)
      Returns whether a RexProgram contains expressions which require decimal expansion.
    • canReinterpretOverflow

      public static boolean canReinterpretOverflow(RexCall call)
    • containNoCommonExprs

      public static boolean containNoCommonExprs(List<RexNode> exprs, Litmus litmus)
      Returns whether an array of expressions has any common sub-expressions.
    • containNoForwardRefs

      public static boolean containNoForwardRefs(List<RexNode> exprs, RelDataType inputRowType, Litmus litmus)
      Returns whether an array of expressions contains no forward references. That is, if expression #i contains a RexInputRef referencing field i or greater.
      exprs - Array of expressions
      inputRowType - Input row type
      litmus - What to do if an error is detected (there is a forward reference)
      Whether there is a forward reference
    • containComplexExprs

      public static boolean containComplexExprs(List<RexNode> exprs)
      Returns whether a list of expressions contains complex expressions, that is, a call whose arguments are not RexVariable (or a subtype such as RexInputRef) or RexLiteral.
    • containsTableInputRef

      public static boolean containsTableInputRef(List<RexNode> nodes)
      Returns whether any of the given expression trees contains a {link RexTableInputRef} node.
      nodes - a list of RexNode trees
      true if at least one was found, otherwise false
    • containsTableInputRef

      public static @Nullable RexTableInputRef containsTableInputRef(RexNode node)
      Returns whether a given tree contains any {link RexTableInputRef} nodes.
      node - a RexNode tree
      first such node found or null if it there is no such node
    • isAtomic

      public static boolean isAtomic(RexNode expr)
    • isCallTo

      public static boolean isCallTo(RexNode expr, SqlOperator op)
      Returns whether a node is a call to a given operator.
    • createStructType

      public static RelDataType createStructType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, List<RexNode> exprs)
      Creates a record type with anonymous field names.
      typeFactory - Type factory
      exprs - Expressions
      Record type
    • createStructType

      public static RelDataType createStructType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, List<? extends RexNode> exprs, @Nullable List<? extends @Nullable String> names, @Nullable SqlValidatorUtil.Suggester suggester)
      Creates a record type with specified field names.

      The array of field names may be null, or any of the names within it can be null. We recommend using explicit names where possible, because it makes it much easier to figure out the intent of fields when looking at planner output.

      typeFactory - Type factory
      exprs - Expressions
      names - Field names, may be null, or elements may be null
      suggester - Generates alternative names if names is not null and its elements are not unique
      Record type
    • createStructType

      @Deprecated public static RelDataType createStructType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, List<? extends RexNode> exprs, List<String> names)
    • compatibleTypes

      public static boolean compatibleTypes(List<RexNode> exprs, RelDataType type, Litmus litmus)
      Returns whether the type of an array of expressions is compatible with a struct type.
      exprs - Array of expressions
      type - Type
      litmus - What to do if an error is detected (there is a mismatch)
      Whether every expression has the same type as the corresponding member of the struct type
      See Also:
    • makeKey

      public static Pair<RexNode,String> makeKey(RexNode expr)
      Creates a key for RexNode which is the same as another key of another RexNode only if the two have both the same type and textual representation. For example, "10" integer and "10" bigint result in different keys.
    • containIdentity

      public static boolean containIdentity(List<? extends RexNode> exprs, RelDataType rowType, Litmus litmus)
      Returns whether the leading edge of a given array of expressions is wholly RexInputRef objects with types corresponding to the underlying datatype.
    • isIdentity

      public static boolean isIdentity(List<? extends RexNode> exps, RelDataType inputRowType)
      Returns whether a list of expressions projects the incoming fields.
    • composeConjunction

      public static RexNode composeConjunction(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends @Nullable RexNode> nodes)
    • composeConjunction

      public static @Nullable RexNode composeConjunction(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends @Nullable RexNode> nodes, boolean nullOnEmpty)
      Converts a collection of expressions into an AND. If there are zero expressions, returns TRUE. If there is one expression, returns just that expression. If any of the expressions are FALSE, returns FALSE. Removes expressions that always evaluate to TRUE. Returns null only if nullOnEmpty and expression is TRUE.
    • flattenAnd

      public static<RexNode> flattenAnd(Iterable<? extends @Nullable RexNode> nodes)
      Flattens a list of AND nodes.

      Treats null nodes as literal TRUE (i.e. ignores them).

    • composeDisjunction

      public static RexNode composeDisjunction(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Converts a collection of expressions into an OR. If there are zero expressions, returns FALSE. If there is one expression, returns just that expression. If any of the expressions are TRUE, returns TRUE. Removes expressions that always evaluate to FALSE. Flattens expressions that are ORs.
    • composeDisjunction

      public static @Nullable RexNode composeDisjunction(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes, boolean nullOnEmpty)
      Converts a collection of expressions into an OR, optionally returning null if the list is empty.
    • flattenOr

      public static<RexNode> flattenOr(Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Flattens a list of OR nodes.
    • apply

      public static List<RelCollation> apply(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, List<RelCollation> collationList)
      Applies a mapping to a collation list.
      mapping - Mapping
      collationList - Collation list
      collation list with mapping applied to each field
    • apply

      public static RelCollation apply(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, RelCollation collation)
      Applies a mapping to a collation.
      mapping - Mapping
      collation - Collation
      collation with mapping applied
    • apply

      public static @Nullable RelFieldCollation apply(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, RelFieldCollation fieldCollation)
      Applies a mapping to a field collation.

      If the field is not mapped, returns null.

      mapping - Mapping
      fieldCollation - Field collation
      collation with mapping applied
    • applyFields

      public static List<RelFieldCollation> applyFields(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, List<RelFieldCollation> fieldCollations)
      Applies a mapping to a list of field collations.
      mapping - Mapping
      fieldCollations - Field collations
      collations with mapping applied
    • apply

      public static RexNode apply(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, RexNode node)
      Applies a mapping to an expression.
    • apply

      public static List<RexNode> apply(Mappings.TargetMapping mapping, Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Applies a mapping to an iterable over expressions.
    • apply

      public static <T extends RexNode> T[] apply(RexVisitor<T> shuttle, T[] exprs)
      Applies a shuttle to an array of expressions. Creates a copy first.
      shuttle - Shuttle
      exprs - Array of expressions
    • apply

      public static void apply(RexVisitor<Void> visitor, RexNode[] exprs, @Nullable RexNode expr)
      Applies a visitor to an array of expressions and, if specified, a single expression.
      visitor - Visitor
      exprs - Array of expressions
      expr - Single expression, may be null
    • apply

      public static void apply(RexVisitor<Void> visitor, List<? extends RexNode> exprs, @Nullable RexNode expr)
      Applies a visitor to a list of expressions and, if specified, a single expression.
      visitor - Visitor
      exprs - List of expressions
      expr - Single expression, may be null
    • flatten

      public static RexNode flatten(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node)
      Flattens an expression.

      Returns the same expression if it is already flat.

    • flatten

      public static List<RexNode> flatten(List<? extends RexNode> exprs, SqlOperator op)
      Converts a list of operands into a list that is flat with respect to the given operator. The operands are assumed to be flat already.
    • isFlat

      public static boolean isFlat(RexNode expr)
      Returns false if the expression can be optimized by flattening calls to an associative operator such as AND and OR.
    • isLosslessCast

      public static boolean isLosslessCast(RexNode node)
      Returns whether the input is a 'loss-less' cast, that is, a cast from which the original value of the field can be certainly recovered.

      For instance, int → bigint is loss-less (as you can cast back to int without loss of information), but bigint → int is not loss-less.

      The implementation of this method does not return false positives. However, it is not complete.

      node - input node to verify if it represents a loss-less cast
      true iff the node is a loss-less cast
    • isLosslessCast

      @API(since="1.22", status=EXPERIMENTAL) public static boolean isLosslessCast(RelDataType source, RelDataType target)
      Returns whether the conversion from source to target type is a 'loss-less' cast, that is, a cast from which the original value of the field can be certainly recovered.

      For instance, int → bigint is loss-less (as you can cast back to int without loss of information), but bigint → int is not loss-less.

      The implementation of this method does not return false positives. However, it is not complete.

      source - source type
      target - target type
      'true' when the conversion can certainly be determined to be loss-less cast, but may return 'false' for some lossless casts.
    • toCnf

      public static RexNode toCnf(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode rex)
      Converts an expression to conjunctive normal form (CNF).

      The following expression is in CNF:

      (a OR b) AND (c OR d)

      The following expression is not in CNF:

      (a AND b) OR c

      but can be converted to CNF:

      (a OR c) AND (b OR c)

      The following expression is not in CNF:

      NOT (a OR NOT b)

      but can be converted to CNF by applying de Morgan's theorem:

      NOT a AND b

      Expressions not involving AND, OR or NOT at the top level are in CNF.

    • toCnf

      public static RexNode toCnf(RexBuilder rexBuilder, int maxCnfNodeCount, RexNode rex)
      Similar to toCnf(RexBuilder, RexNode); however, it lets you specify a threshold in the number of nodes that can be created out of the conversion.

      If the number of resulting nodes exceeds that threshold, stops conversion and returns the original expression.

      If the threshold is negative it is ignored.

      Leaf nodes in the expression do not count towards the threshold.

    • toDnf

      public static RexNode toDnf(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode rex)
      Converts an expression to disjunctive normal form (DNF).

      DNF: It is a form of logical formula which is disjunction of conjunctive clauses.

      All logical formulas can be converted into DNF.

      The following expression is in DNF:

      (a AND b) OR (c AND d)

      The following expression is not in CNF:

      (a OR b) AND c

      but can be converted to DNF:

      (a AND c) OR (b AND c)

      The following expression is not in CNF:

      NOT (a OR NOT b)

      but can be converted to DNF by applying de Morgan's theorem:

      NOT a AND b

      Expressions not involving AND, OR or NOT at the top level are in DNF.

    • exists

      public static <E> boolean exists(List<? extends E> list, Predicate1<E> predicate)
      Returns whether there is an element in list for which predicate is true.
    • all

      public static <E> boolean all(List<? extends E> list, Predicate1<E> predicate)
      Returns whether predicate is true for all elements of list.
    • shift

      public static RexNode shift(RexNode node, int offset)
      Shifts every RexInputRef in an expression by offset.
    • shift

      public static List<RexNode> shift(Iterable<RexNode> nodes, int offset)
      Shifts every RexInputRef in an expression by offset.
    • shift

      public static RexNode shift(RexNode node, int start, int offset)
      Shifts every RexInputRef in an expression higher than start by offset.
    • pullFactors

      public static RexNode pullFactors(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node)
      Creates an equivalent version of a node where common factors among ORs are pulled up.

      For example,

      (a AND b) OR (a AND c AND d)


      a AND (b OR (c AND d))

      Note that this result is not in CNF (see toCnf(RexBuilder, RexNode)) because there is an AND inside an OR.

      This form is useful if, say, a contains columns from only the left-hand side of a join, and can be pushed to the left input.

      rexBuilder - Rex builder
      node - Expression to transform
      Equivalent expression with common factors pulled up
    • fixUp

      @Deprecated public static List<RexNode> fixUp(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> nodes, RelDataType rowType)
    • fixUp

      public static List<RexNode> fixUp(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> nodes, List<RelDataType> fieldTypes)
      Fixes up the type of all RexInputRefs in an expression to match differences in nullability.

      Such differences in nullability occur when expressions are moved through outer joins.

      Throws if there any greater inconsistencies of type.

    • types

      public static List<RelDataType> types(List<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Transforms a list of expressions into a list of their types.
    • families

      public static List<RelDataTypeFamily> families(List<RelDataType> types)
    • removeAll

      public static boolean removeAll(List<RexNode> targets, RexNode e)
      Removes all expressions from a list that are equivalent to a given expression. Returns whether any were removed.
    • eq

      @Deprecated public static boolean eq(RexNode e1, RexNode e2)
      Returns whether two RexNodes are structurally equal.

      This method considers structure, not semantics. 'x < y' is not equivalent to 'y > x'.

    • simplifyPreservingType

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyPreservingType(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e)
      Use RexSimplify.simplifyPreservingType(RexNode), which allows you to specify an RexExecutor.
      Simplifies a boolean expression, always preserving its type and its nullability.

      This is useful if you are simplifying expressions in a Project.

    • simplify

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplify(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e)
      Create a RexSimplify, then call its RexSimplify.simplify(RexNode, RexUnknownAs) method.
      Simplifies a boolean expression, leaving UNKNOWN values as UNKNOWN, and using the default executor.
    • simplify

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplify(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e, boolean unknownAsFalse)
      Create a RexSimplify, then call its RexSimplify.simplify(RexNode, RexUnknownAs) method.
      Simplifies a boolean expression, using the default executor.

      In particular:

      • simplify(x = 1 AND y = 2 AND NOT x = 1) returns y = 2
      • simplify(x = 1 AND FALSE) returns FALSE

      If the expression is a predicate in a WHERE clause, UNKNOWN values have the same effect as FALSE. In situations like this, specify unknownAsFalse = true, so and we can switch from 3-valued logic to simpler 2-valued logic and make more optimizations.

      rexBuilder - Rex builder
      e - Expression to simplify
      unknownAsFalse - Whether to convert UNKNOWN values to FALSE
    • simplifyAnds

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyAnds(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes)
      Use RexSimplify.simplifyAnds(Iterable, RexUnknownAs).
      Simplifies a conjunction of boolean expressions.
    • simplifyAnds

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyAnds(RexBuilder rexBuilder, Iterable<? extends RexNode> nodes, boolean unknownAsFalse)
    • not

      public static RexNode not(RexNode e)
      Negates a logical expression by adding or removing a NOT.
    • op

      @API(since="1.27.0", status=EXPERIMENTAL) public static SqlOperator op(SqlKind kind)
    • simplifyAnd

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyAnd(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexCall e, boolean unknownAsFalse)
    • simplifyAnd2

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyAnd2(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> terms, List<RexNode> notTerms)
    • simplifyAnd2ForUnknownAsFalse

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyAnd2ForUnknownAsFalse(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> terms, List<RexNode> notTerms)
    • negate

      public static @Nullable RexNode negate(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexCall call)
    • invert

      public static @Nullable RexNode invert(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexCall call)
    • simplifyOr

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyOr(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexCall call)
    • simplifyOrs

      @Deprecated public static RexNode simplifyOrs(RexBuilder rexBuilder, List<RexNode> terms)
    • andNot

      public static RexNode andNot(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e, RexNode... notTerms)
      Creates the expression e1 AND NOT notTerm1 AND NOT notTerm2 ....
    • andNot

      public static RexNode andNot(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e, Iterable<? extends RexNode> notTerms)
      Creates the expression e1 AND NOT notTerm1 AND NOT notTerm2 ....


      • andNot(p) returns "p"
      • andNot(p, n1, n2) returns "p AND NOT n1 AND NOT n2"
      • andNot(x = 10, x = 20, y = 30, x = 30) returns "x = 10 AND NOT (y = 30)"
    • isCasePredicate

      public static boolean isCasePredicate(RexCall call, int i)
      Returns whether a given operand of a CASE expression is a predicate.

      A switched case (CASE x WHEN x1 THEN v1 ... ELSE e END) has an even number of arguments and odd-numbered arguments are predicates.

      A condition case (CASE WHEN p1 THEN v1 ... ELSE e END) has an odd number of arguments and even-numbered arguments are predicates, except for the last argument.

    • notFn

      @Deprecated public static<RexNode,RexNode> notFn(RexBuilder rexBuilder)
      Returns a function that applies NOT to its argument.
    • containsCorrelation

      public static boolean containsCorrelation(RexNode condition)
      Returns whether an expression contains a RexCorrelVariable.
    • swapTableReferences

      public static RexNode swapTableReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node, Map<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef,RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping)
      Given an expression, it will swap the table references contained in its RexTableInputRef using the contents in the map.
    • swapColumnReferences

      public static RexNode swapColumnReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node, Map<RexTableInputRef,Set<RexTableInputRef>> ec)
      Given an expression, it will swap its column references RexTableInputRef using the contents in the map (in particular, the first element of the set in the map value).
    • swapTableColumnReferences

      public static RexNode swapTableColumnReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node, @Nullable Map<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef,RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping, @Nullable Map<RexTableInputRef,Set<RexTableInputRef>> ec)
      Given an expression, it will swap the table references contained in its RexTableInputRef using the contents in the first map, and then it will swap the column references RexTableInputRef using the contents in the second map (in particular, the first element of the set in the map value).
    • swapColumnTableReferences

      public static RexNode swapColumnTableReferences(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode node, Map<RexTableInputRef,? extends @Nullable Set<RexTableInputRef>> ec, @Nullable Map<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef,RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> tableMapping)
      Given an expression, it will swap the column references RexTableInputRef using the contents in the first map (in particular, the first element of the set in the map value), and then it will swap the table references contained in its RexTableInputRef using the contents in the second map.
    • gatherTableReferences

      public static Set<RexTableInputRef.RelTableRef> gatherTableReferences(List<RexNode> nodes)
      Gather all table references in input expressions.
      nodes - expressions
      set of table references
    • getNonConstColumns

      public static ImmutableBitSet getNonConstColumns(List<RexNode> expressions)
      Given some expressions, gets the indices of the non-constant ones.
    • getNonConstColumns

      public static ImmutableBitSet getNonConstColumns(ImmutableBitSet columns, List<RexNode> expressions)
      Given some expressions and columns, gets the indices of the non-constant ones.
    • strings

      public static List<String> strings(List<RexNode> list)
      Transforms a list of expressions to the list of digests.